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Download An Oblique Approach Novel

Alzilal Engineering الخميس، 6 أكتوبر 2016 0 التعليقات
An Oblique Approach Novel


For years my science fiction reading has been dwindling, under siege from several fronts. Ebooks have restored my ethusiasm. I’ve been dreaming of them ever since the tablet computers of Ender’s Game. (Perhaps I should re-read that next!)

Oblique is the first book I’ve read on an iPad (in iBooks), and it was a great experience. I particularly loved being able to look words up instantly and automatic bookmarking. I often read a couple pages on the iPhone, and the effortlessly continued where I left off on the iPad. Just fantastic!

I selected Oblique pretty much at random from the Baen free library, despite it’s hopelessly cheesy cover artwork and appallingly bad title font, slanted backwards (“oblique,” very clever). I have read some Drake before and enjoyed it, so that probably influenced me.

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