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مواصفات إعداد الجداول الزمنية.docx2

·         Identification of interface and contractual milestones
The contractor shall submit for approval, prior to the submission of the Baseline Schedule, the proposed Activity Coding dictionary.

Activity Numbering

The contractor shall propose, prior to the submission of the Baseline Schedule, an activity numbering scheme that helps identify activities by location and responsibility (including any sub-contractor). In any event all activity numbers shall commence with the three characters “MFT”

Resource and Cost Loading

Each Activity shall be loaded with relevant costs and resources. The contractor shall submit his proposed resource and cost dictionaries for review and acceptance. PMO may elect to provide a resource dictionary for use by the contractor; in this case contractor shall not make modification to the dictionary without consent of PMO.
The quantities and unit rates of items in the Contract shall be used to arrive at resource and cost loading for activities. Total Cost loaded on the activities shall be equal to total contract value. The cost loaded to activities for each location / element / item of work should match the contract price for the same in the Contract.

Client Server

Amana may decide to have the baseline and progress schedules reside on the agency computer server, to which the contractor shall be granted suitable access. The Employer, PMO and Supervising Engineer shall have access to view the baseline schedule. The Employer and the PMO shall be granted access to the schedule for the purpose of monitoring and creating inter-contract logic links.


A narrative shall accompany the baseline schedule that describes the key aspects of the submitted schedules. The narrative shall define the key aspects of the contractor’s plan for conducting the works that includes the following key sections:
1.    The layout and logic used in the schedule.
2.    Critical submittals.
3.    The critical path.
4.    An overall float analysis.
5.    Any interface concerns (input by other parties to be identified).
6.    Productivity or any other assumptions made to determine activity durations
7.    Calendars that have been applied to activities and the rationale for any deviation from the standard calendar.

Critical Path

In addition to preparing the baseline schedule according to the above requirements, the schedule shall also be sorted by critical path derived by the baseline schedule and presented as such. This schedule shall show the critical path derived from the baseline schedule. This is a time-scaled network logic diagram showing only the current critical path of the works along with its current progress. In the event of near critical path work (less than 10 days of float), the PMO may request the near critical path items also be shown.

Manpower Histogram

A manpower loading histogram shall be developed as part of the baseline schedule. The histogram shall show overall manpower required for the works and what disciplines make up the overall manpower

Cost Curve (S-Curve)

A Cost loading curve shall be developed as part of the baseline schedule. The curve shall show overall contract price, the Contractor may be asked to develop curves for major elements constituting the contract scope.

Working Calendar

The working calendar used in scheduling should reflect Fridays and official holidays as non-working days. The schedule should be based on working hours as defined in the contract or officially proposed by the contractor and approved by Amana.

            1.4 Progress Schedule / Schedule updates

The first update to the approved baseline schedule forms the first progress schedule. Subsequent progress schedules shall be submitted on a fortnightly or weekly basis (as directed by the PMO) presenting the update for the previously issued progress schedule. The progress schedule shall also be used to:  confirm the percent complete requested by the contractor in progress payment applications; analyze delays and impacts in all time impact analysis (TIA); and, determine whether a recovery schedule is required from the Contractor.


The contractor shall submit a narrative as a part of the progress schedule submission. These submissions are required to be stand-alone documents and shall not require their corresponding progress schedules to be attached in order to understand the narrative. The narrative shall address the following, but not be limited to:
1.    Progress in last period.
2.    Critical path progress and concerns.
3.    Potential delays and TIA.
4.    Submittal status (focus on critical submittals and concerns).
5.    Manpower loading (by discipline).
6.    Revenue to-date.
7.    Variances. The contractor shall provide a written narrative to include the cause(s) of all schedule variance(s) related to a forecasted delay in any contractual milestone completion or activity dates.
8.    Additional activities required for the update.

Critical Path

In addition to preparing the progress schedule according to the above requirements, the schedule shall also be sorted by critical path derived first by the baseline schedule, and subsequently, from the current progress schedule. This is a time-scaled network logic diagram showing only the current critical path of the works along with its current progress. In the event of near critical path work (less than 10 days of float), the PM may request the near critical path items also be shown.

Manpower Histogram

The manpower loading curve shall be updated in accordance with the progress schedule to show the actual manpower deployed compared to the Baseline Schedule.

Cost Curve (S-Curve)

A Cost loading curve(s) shall be updated in accordance with the progress schedule to show the actual earned value compared to the Baseline Schedule

            1.5 Recovery Schedule

In the event that certain conditions exist such that any contractual milestone date is in jeopardy of being delayed, the contractor shall submit a recovery schedule for the Amana’s approval.  The schedule shall be accompanied by a narrative describing what steps the contractor proposes to recover slippage.

1.6 Extension of Time Schedule

In the event that conditions exist such that the contractor believes there are grounds for an extension of time, the contractor shall submit as part of his application a schedule showing how the works have been impacted by delay events. The schedule to be used to demonstrate entitlement shall be the progressed schedule in place at the time of the occurrence of the delay event and the method of calculation shall be Time Impact Analysis (TIA).
Where entitlement is claimed as a result of a change of scope to the works the contractor shall produce a schedule Fragnet that demonstrates the impact of the change.

            1.7 Look Ahead Schedule

The contractor shall prepare and submit on first working day of each week a Look Ahead Schedule showing specific activities scheduled for four weeks period, three following weeks and one prior week. Review / discussion on the schedule shall be an agenda item at weekly progress meetings. It is important to note that this schedule is not to be generated by running a filter on primavera project schedule, it shall have greater level of detail and reflect actual site conditions and resources availability.

1.8 As-Built Schedule

Upon completion of each Contract, the contractor shall prepare an as-built schedule from the data gathered during the progress of the project.  The as-built Schedule shall be compared to the Baseline Schedule and the delays must be analysed and justified.  This is part of the project closeouts requirement.


2.1 Software

Unless otherwise specified, the preliminary, baseline, and progress schedules shall be produced utilizing the Windows-based Primavera Project Management Tool. All submissions shall be in the latest commercially available version of Primavera.

2.2 Critical Path Method (CPM)

The preliminary, baseline, and progress schedules shall employ the critical path method (CPM) using retained logic for the planning, scheduling and reporting of the work to be performed under this contract agreement.

2.3 Schedule Components

The preliminary, baseline, and progress schedules shall include, but not be limited to:

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