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Download  Dictionary of Chemistry

As anyone who’s written a paper for chemistry class or journal publication knows, spelling “errors” quickly become so numerous that you just ignore them. They’re not really errors, of course, just technical words that Microsoft’s standard dictionary doesn’t include. This is problematic for at least two reasons. One, I tend to gloss over the many, many squiggly red lines and therefore not notice actual spelling errors that have been made. Two, the standard spell checker cannot differentiate between correctly-spelled technical words and misspelled technical words. Thus, all technical words come back as misspelled whether or not they actually are misspelled.
Around this time last year (end of 2007), I was looking for a solution to this problem. I wanted to download a free “custom dictionary” to upload to my word processor to recognize all the words that were correctly spelled, but not recognized by the standard dictionary. Surprisingly, I couldn’t find one. I found several scientific spell check programs, but they are all for-pay versions. I wasn’t interested.
So I set out to create my own chemistry dictionary. I finished it up at the beginning of February (2008), and it was hosted at Sciencebase with thanks to David Bradley (read the post regarding the original release). The dictionary was relatively small, containing some 18,000 words. But it helped a lot.
Through David, I was introduced to Antony Williams from chemspider.com. I met with him one afternoon in February, and he agreed to release his database of 1.3 million identifiers for me to integrate into the next upgrade. (Update: read Tony’s writeup)
It took me a while, but the upgrade is complete and ready for release.  Click here to download the zipped chemistry dictionary file (V3.0).  The 1.3 million identifiers were distilled down to around 102,000 additional words for the dictionary file (read more on that process here).  This upgrade bumps the dictionary from 18,000 words to ~104,000 words.
Administrivia: The dictionary is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.  The dictionary is compatible for Microsoft Office (Windows or Mac), and  Open Office (Windows or Linux).  The install file includes instructions for upgrading old versions and installing it for the first time.  The dictionary should be useful for all chemists.  However, I am an organic chemist.  Thus, the dictionary was created from an organic chemist’s mindset.  It will probably be most useful for organic chemists.
Now, I can’t guarantee that the dictionary is perfect. If you have comments, questions, or suggestions, you can leave them in the comments or email me at chemdictionary – at – gmail – dot – com. If you notice a word not in the dictionary that you’d like to see added, you can enter below it in the form that Mitch made for me. (Thanks, Mitch) I’ll review it and consider it for the next upgrade.

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