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مواصفات إعداد الجداول الزمنية.docx

3  SCHEDULE Revision and Update

During the course of the works and issuance of the progress schedules, updating to reflect actual progress shall not be considered revisions to the schedule. Such updating shall include revisions to activity durations and certain sequences on a semi-monthly basis. Included in the progress schedule updates shall be activities and changes that have already been reviewed and approved by the PMO such as the effect of accepted Employer changes, the agreed duration of delays caused by acts of God, or other conditions or events which have affected the progress of the works. The progress schedules, when formally submitted, shall display current progress, as well as, displaying the forecast or projected works completion.
Should the contractor, after the PMO’s approval of the baseline schedule and any progress schedules, desire to change the schedule logic, the contractor shall submit in writing its requested revisions to the PMO. The request shall include a written narrative of the reasons for the activity and logic changes, a description of the logic for rescheduling the work, and the methods of maintaining adherence to critical and milestone dates.
Additionally, for changes affecting sequences of the works, the contractor shall provide a time-scaled logic diagram that compares the original sequence of work to the requested revised sequence of work. The contractor shall submit the requested revision in a timely manner such that the PMO may review the request submittal the same time frame and manner as required for other schedule submittals. Upon the PMO’s approval of the request, the contractor shall include the revision in the next progress schedule submission.
Neither the updating or revision of the contractor’s progress schedule, nor the submittal, updating, change or revision of any schedule (or schedule document) for the PMO’s review and approval shall have the effect of amending or modifying, in any way, the period for completion of the contract agreement works, any completion date, or agreement milestone dates or of modifying or limiting in any way contractor’s obligations under the contract agreement. At a minimum, the contractor’s progress schedule logic shall be updated at the end of each major phase of work.

4  Slippage & Recovery

Should any conditions exist, such that certain activities shown on the contractor’s progress schedule fall behind schedule to the extent that any of the mandatory critical dates or milestone completion dates are at risk of being delayed, the contractor shall be required, at no cost to the Employer, to prepare and submit to the PMO a supplementary recovery schedule. The recovery schedule shall be in a form and detail appropriate to the need, and to explain and display to the PM how the contractor intends to reschedule those activities to regain compliance with the last previously approved progress schedule.
After the PM determines that a recovery schedule is required, the Contractor shall prepare and submit for approval to the PMO, the recovery schedule. The recovery schedule shall represent the contractor’s best judgment regarding how the contractor’s work shall be re-organized such that the work may return to the accepted progress schedule. The recovery schedule shall be prepared at a similar level of detail as the progress schedule and shall be based on the accepted progress schedule.
At least one week prior to the expiration of the recovery schedule, the PMO and contractor shall meet to determine whether the contractor has regained compliance with the approved progress schedule. At the direction of the PMO, one of the following will occur:
1.    If, in the opinion of the PMO, the contractor is still behind schedule, the contractor shall prepare another recovery schedule, at the contractor’s expense, to take effect for a maximum of one additional month from the start of the new recovery schedule.
2.    If, in the opinion of the PMO, the contractor has sufficiently regained compliance with the progress schedule, the use of the progress schedule shall be resumed.

5  Submission

5.1 General

The schedules (and schedule documents) shall be formally submitted in a timely manner as required by this section, the general conditions, and the supplementary/particular conditions. Failure to submit the schedule and schedule documents on-time and in an acceptable format, with the required content, may result in withholding of payments or other remedies.
The contractor shall have seven days to prepare re-submittals. All schedules shall be submitted in the following manner:  four colour paper copies and one electronic copy on CD Rom of each schedule in Primavera Project Management Tool and Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) formats, and the narrative in Microsoft Word (.doc) and Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) formats.

5.2  Preliminary Schedule

The preliminary schedule shall be submitted within 15 days after the date of Commencement.

5.3  Baseline Schedule

The baseline schedule shall be submitted within 30 days from the date of Commencement.

5.4  Progress Schedule

For all progress schedule submittals, the contractor shall submit a printed list of all schedule logic changes along with the reason for each change. This list is an integral part of the schedule submittal. This list shall be generated from the scheduling software and be the same logic included on the submitted CD Rom. Additionally, the progress schedule submission shall contain the updated manpower loading curve.
The progress schedule shall be updated with progress to the cutoff date and be submitted within three calendar days of the cutoff date.

6  Review & APPROVAL

6.1 General

All schedule documents shall be formally reviewed as required by the Construction Supervision team and Planning & Scheduling Section of PMO. A period of fourteen days shall be allowed for review in case of initial submission review and seven days for re-submittal reviews.

6.2 Review Comments

An approval code shall be assigned to schedule documents on the transmittal form; comments shall either be written on transmittal or attached to it and the original

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